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Armee-Abteilung C was formed on 18 September 1914 from the left (southern) wing of the 5th Army as Armee-Abteilung Strantz, named for the commander of V Corps. Strantz remained as commander of V Corps but was deputised in this post by a Divisional Commander. It was established on 2 February 1917 as Armee-Abteilung.
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K-KA Kaiserlich und Königliche Armee. Flying Squirrel Entertainment. Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation email.
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History The name Imperial and Royal Army was born in 1745 and the royal part referred to the Apostolic Kingdom of Hungary. The key feature of the army of the Austrian Empire during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars (1792-1815) was that, due to the multi-national nature of the territories, regiments were split into Germans units (which included Czech-troops recruited from Bohemia.
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[Couplet 1] Regarde les tous s en aller J ai pesé, j ai emballé, pardonne mon franc-parler Si j te traitais sans arrêt de sale pute qui prend d la C Madame la juge de merde, j t encule.
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Armeeoberkommando ( Army Higher Command ; AOK) was a command level in the German and Austro-Hungarian armies, especially during the World War I and World War II.It was equivalent to a British, French, American, Italian, Japanese, or Imperial Russian.
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1. Die allgemeine Lage vor Beginn der großen Kämpfe. Beim Jahresanfang 1916 erstreckte sich die deutsche Ostfront vom Rigaischen Meerbusen bei Tukkum bis an den unteren Stochod südwestlich Pinsk.
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