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Ganglioblokaatorid hüpertensioonis

A paraganglioma is a rare neuroendocrine neoplasm that may develop at various body sites (including the head, neck, thorax and abdomen). Unlike other types of cancer, there is no test that determines benign from malignant tumors; long-term followup is therefore recommended for all individuals with paraganglioma.

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Normalmente, su tamaño es menor de 1 cm, más o menos como una lenteja, no duelen al tocarlos y se desplazan con facilidad. En los niños, con poca grasa corporal, se palpan con facilidad.

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Figure 2 shows the structures and metabolic pathways of ganglio-series gangliosides. Ganglio-series glycosphingolipids having 0, 1, 2 and 3 sialic acid residue(s) linked to the inner galactose residue are classified into asialo-, a-, b- and c-series gangliosides, respectively.
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A ganglioglioma is a rare type of brain tumor, accounting for approximately 1% of all brain tumors. Gangliogliomas occur when a single cell in the brain starts to divide into more cells, forming a tumor. This can occur when the cell randomly acquires changes (mutations) in genes that regulate how a cell divides.
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ganglioid: adjective Having or referring to a ganglion-like structure.
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ganglioform: ( gang glē-fōrm ), Having the form or appearance of a ganglion. Synonym(s): ganglioform.
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Gangliosides are major constituents of neuronal cell membranes and endoplasmic reticulum. They contain a sialylated polysaccharide chain linked to ceramide through a ß-glycosidic linkage.

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