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For her role in the Canadian Arctic Expedition, Karluk had been acquired by expedition leader Vilhjalmur Stefansson in 1913 for the bargain price of ,000, and sold at cost to the Canadian government when it assumed overall responsibility for the expedition.

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PDF | To limit the emissions of greenhouse gases the wider utilization of renewable energy is mandatory for all EU countries. The aim of the present study was to estimate the potential quantities.

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Focus on Yields Biotech crops: evidence, outcomes and impacts 1996-2007 OCTOBER 2009 FOREWORD This brief is intended for use by a wide range of people with interests in agriculture and the environment. As a summary of the key findings relating to the impact of biotech crops (1996-2007), this brief focuses on yield effects, as detailed.
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Tiedonhallinnan määritys Asiakaskokemuksen ja Palvelukokemuksen kautta. Otetaan uusi avaava näkökulma, eikö vain. Katsotaan, miltä tiedonhallinta, asiakkaan ja palvelutuotantomme “kosketuspisteet” voisivat näyttää, kun irroitamme ajatuksemme hetkeksi olemassa jo olevista “perusprosesseista”.
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The latest Tweets from Kimmo Lunden (@KimmoLunden). Staff writer and business reporter at Maaseudun Tulevaisuus. Covering food industry, entrepreneurship, retail, finance, public economics, energy, industrial.

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