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Suhkurtõbi hüpertensioon muudel rasketel hommikusöögihaiguste haigustel

See 8 photos and 1 tip from 195 visitors to Saarnilaakson koulu. Leisti on läski.

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Vapaa-ajan liikkumisen, terveydentilan kokemuksen, kouluinnon ja koulu-uupumuksen muutokset siirryttäessä ala-asteelta yläasteelle.

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Chords for Ismo Leikola - Kaikkien biisien kertosäe - Muusikoiden suuri kusetus - Emma-Gaala 2011. Play along with guitar, ukulele, or piano with interactive chords and diagrams. Includes transpose, capo hints, changing speed.
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Institute of Crop Science (340) University of Hohenheim Department: Agronomy Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Claupein Development of a generic, model-based approach to optimize light distribution and productivity in strip-intercropping systems Dissertation in ful lment of the requirements for the degree Doktor der Agrarwissenschaften.
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For years Jan Björk, a fotographer from Kokkola (born in Sokoja in 1972) has recorded the landscape and nature of his home area. A portfolio book has been published of these photographs in 2010 called En stund i naturen - Hetki Luonnossa, Kuvia Kokkolan seudulta (A Moment in Nature, Pictures from Kokkola).
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dc.contributor: Helsingin yliopisto, valtiotieteellinen tiedekunta, sosiaalitieteiden laitos, Sosiologia: fi: dc.contributor: Helsingfors universitet.

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